
Showing posts from October, 2021

General medicine assessment

    Roll no:46    3rd sem   G. Bhanuja    S: Question 1 Gastroenterology 1. COMPLETENESS:  •The case presented is correct with accurate data  CORRECTNESS  : •The history of the patient,symptoms and signs have been listed well. The  clinical images were provide  with the laboratory investigations. USEFUL LEADS TO ANALYZE THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC UNCERTAINTIES: All the investigations lead to the diagnosis of the case and better treatment of the patient. Hence, no diagnostic uncertainties were found. 2. COMPLETENESS :  •The case presented is correct with accurate data.  •The  case has  completeness in all factors The case begins with the chief complaint the history of presenting complaints in a chronological order, past history, personal history is written well the vitals have been explained. •Icteru